
Philosophy Philosophers

Dialectics Transcendental Materialism

what does set theory as ontology really mean? the presentation of a multiplicity as a set? set theory as a theory of ontological intelligibility? why is this ontology, not epistemology?

Whereas Badiou after the com­ple­tion of Being and Event speaks from within the bas­tion of a clas­sic­ally or neo­clas­sic­ally styled philo­sophy, wav­ing the ban­ner of Pla­ton­ism with suf­fi­cient self-con­fid­ence to accept the chal­lenge of an anti­philo­sopher such as Lacan, Žižek is still at pains to down­play the late Lacan's anti­philo­soph­ical pro­voca­tions for the sake of gain­ing respect­ab­il­ity as a philo­sopher.

Badiou begins with a critique of the dominant ideology, which he diagnoses as an ideology of finitude. He contrasts pre-modern or traditional societies based on an ideology of stability or repetition with modernity, based on an ideology of movement or circulation. He proposes to continue this analysis by considering the « poetic critique of modernity »

« The principal obstacle encountered…, the nucleus of the repressive practices that constrain us to be ignorant of the replies to the question “what is it to live?”, is the multiform ideology of the finitude of life. Which is natural, as every process of truth is virtually infinite…We have thus explored the labyrinth of the different forms taken by the couple finite/infinite, making use of, in order to do this, mathematical rudiments and poetic breakthroughs ».

the event, fidelity to the event

diagonalization, the indiscernable, the indeterminate

forcing, the encyclopedia of the situation

badiou vs deleuze

badiou vs zizek

badiou's divergences with lacan

badiou's debates with miller

"It is well-known that Badiou’s philosophical system has been elaborated in a constant dialogue with, and struggle against, Heidegger’s philosophy." Eight Theses on the Universal - Alain Badiou

badiou versus imiaslavie?

sartre's supposed influence on badiou (see lucca fraser's thesis) The Scene of Two - Alain Badiou Eleven Theses on the State of New Music - Michael Pisaro


A. J. Bartlett, Justin Clemens - Alain Badiou (Key Concepts)

Selected Articles

Badiou and Mathematics

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